Thursday, July 1, 2010

Stinking Rose...part deux!

So...the next day, after Michelle and I had that lovely dinner at SR...I came back! But with our roomie Brenda (another graduate) and her crew!

And what I had was BETTER! GARLIC FISH AND CHIPS! Mmmmmmm!

My Garlic Fish and Chips

Bart...garlic braised boneless short rib...I think?

Alice's pesto salad with sundried tomatoes!

Brenda's Silence of the Lamb Shank!

Ceasar salad! :D

And of course...GARLIC ICE CREAM!

Another A!

1 comment:

  1. haha my salad looks exponentially boring compared to everyone else's food...i guess i will have to go back and get something cooler. except i will have to save up my money first, that place was expensive!!!
