Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Milk -- West Hollywood, CA

If you have ever spent even a minute with my family, you know our lives revolve around food. In just one sunny morning in Los Angeles, we went to Bea Bea's, Portos, and Milk.

It's fun to drive around and sample different eateries. However, it's difficult to tease these places apart when I'm trying them out one after the other.

Milk supposedly serves milk that tastes really different from American milk. It's richer and creamier, as if it were from a European city or Hong Kong. I couldn't taste the difference, myself. However, that expensive glass of milk came in handy when I stuffed a molasses cookie in my mouth.

That was a bad idea. The molasses cookie should not have been devoured like a regular cookie because it was too sweet to be eaten all at once. My cousin said, "It tastes like Christmas in a cookie," and she was right. Part gingerbread, part sugar cookie, and part caramel, it was worth savoring slowly.

If you visit Milk and don't want to try the milk or the molasses cookie, there's also Blue Velvet Cake and different kinds of shakes. To save time before you go, check out your options online beforehand so that you don't waste time gawking at the choices in front of you when you show up in person. There are too many choices, so I would recommend researching before visiting.

Check out Milk at 7290 Beverly Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90036 or go to http://www.themilkshop.com/

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